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PULSAR Work Package 4 Aviation Noise Workshop

October 24 – 25, 2024

The PULSAR project has the objective to deliver an environmental research roadmap for aviation to the European Commission to support the most promising noise and emissions technologies in future research projects. 

In this context, PULSAR has engaged with an analysis of various scenarios of future air traffic and is performing through this workshop an assessment of the noise levels around airports.

Members of the EU-funded PULSAR project together with noise experts in the field of aviation noise and related topics convened at the Novotel Hotel in Bucharest for a two-day working meeting, welcoming over 25 participants both on-site and virtually. The gathering focused on key developments, priorities, and historical insights related to aviation noise reduction and sustainability within the European aviation sector and the gaps and R&T needs to reduce the noise annoyance.

The meeting featured intensive discussions on topics including:

  • Current status of a number of EU noise research projects.

  • In-depth assessments of past and present noise reduction projects, including SILENCER, Clean Sky 1 & 2, AGAPE, OPTI, and ACARE.

  • Recent EC calls, opportunities and priorities for new projects.

  • What noise objectives do we target? Overview of objectives from various projects and institutions/groups.

  • What is the progress towards those objectives? Overview of past assessments including a first view on the PULSAR assessment.

  • What are the gaps to achieve the objectives?

  • What is needed to fill the technology/knowledge gaps.

  • Proposed format and approach to update the Noise Roadmap.

  • Noise educational needs and Education roadmap.

  • Strategic planning for future noise reduction initiatives in line with European Commission goals.

  • Review of aviation noise research objectives from European programs such as Horizon 2020, FlightPath 2050, and the Green Deal.

The sessions were led by Mr. Eugene Kors from SAFRAN and Mr. Laurent Leylekian from ONERA, the coordinating organisation for the PULSAR project. COMOTI - Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines, a Romanian member of PULSAR, graciously hosted the event, following their organisation of the 25th Workshop for the Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the CEAS/ASC earlier in the week.

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PULSAR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101095395.  Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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